< Docs
  • Java


A MilvusClient interface. This method inserts entities into a specified collection.

R<InsertResponse> insert(InsertRowsParam requestParam);


Use the InsertRowsParam.Builder method to construct an InsertRowsParam object.

import io.milvus.param.highlevel.dml.InsertRowsParam;
InsertRowsParam.Builder builder = InsertRowsParam.newBuilder();

Methods of InsertRowsParam.Builder:

withCollectionName(String collectionName)Sets the target collection name.
The value cannot be empty or null.
collectionName: Name of the collection to which the data is to be inserted in rows.
withRows(List<JSONObject> rows)Sets the data to insert in rows.
The list cannot be empty.
Exclude the primary key if it automatically increments.
rows: A list of JSONObject objects, each representing a row in the dataset.
build()Constructs an InsertRowsParam object.N/A

The method can throw the following exceptions:

  • ParamException is raised if the parameter is invalid.


This method catches all the exceptions and returns an R<InsertResponse> object.

  • If the API fails on the server side, it returns the error code and message from the server.
  • If the API fails by RPC exception, it returns R.Status.Unknow and the error message of the exception.
  • If the API succeeds, it returns a valid InsertResponse held by the R template.


import io.milvus.param.*;
import io.milvus.response.MutationResultWrapper;
import io.milvus.grpc.MutationResult;

List<JSONObject> rowsData = new ArrayList<>();
Random ran = new Random();
for (long i = 0L; i < rowCount; ++i) {
    JSONObject row = new JSONObject();
    row.put(AGE_FIELD, ran.nextInt(99));
    row.put(VECTOR_FIELD, generateFloatVector());

    // $meta if collection EnableDynamicField, you can input this field not exist in schema, else deny
    row.put(INT32_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextInt());
    row.put(INT64_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextLong());
    row.put(VARCHAR_FIELD_NAME, "测试varchar");
    row.put(FLOAT_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextFloat());
    row.put(DOUBLE_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextDouble());
    row.put(BOOL_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextBoolean());

    // $json
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
    jsonObject.put(INT32_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextInt());
    jsonObject.put(INT64_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextLong());
    jsonObject.put(VARCHAR_FIELD_NAME, "测试varchar");
    jsonObject.put(FLOAT_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextFloat());
    jsonObject.put(DOUBLE_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextDouble());
    jsonObject.put(BOOL_FIELD_NAME, ran.nextBoolean());
    row.put(USER_JSON_FIELD, jsonObject);


InsertRowsParam param = InsertRowsParam.newBuilder()
R<InsertResponse> response = client.insert(param);
if (response.getStatus() != R.Status.Success.getCode()) {

System.out.println("insertCount: " + response.getData().getInsertCount());
System.out.println("insertIds: " + response.getData().getInsertIds());

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